Certified Notary Signing Agent
Mobile Notary Specializing in Real Estate Signings
We travel to your home or business, or we can meet you at a title company or convenient public location such as Starbucks or Peet's Coffee and Tea.

Real Estate Documents
- • Commercial real estate loans
- • Construction loans
- • Deeds of trust
- • Escrow documents
- • First / primary mortgage documents
- • Financial documents
- • Grant deeds
- • Legal documents
- • Home equity conversions
- • Home equity lines of credit
- • Loan modification documents
- • Promissory notes
- • Quitclaim deeds
- • Refinance documents
- • Reverse mortgage documents
- • Residential home loans / mortgages
- • Sale and purchase transactions
- • Second mortgage documents
- • Transfer of ownership and title documents
- • Trust deeds
Our notaries are:
- • Commissioned by California Secretary of State - We help protect the public against fraud
- • Trained and proficient in real estate document notarizations
- • Members of the National Notary Association
- • Background screened
- • Bonded and E&O insured for $100,000
- • Able to print documents on a dual-tray laser printer
- • Available by email, phone, text, fax, etc.
- • Always professionally dressed
Our duties include:
- • Calling signers to set or confirm appointment upon acceptance of signing
- • Securing docs electronically, by US or overnight mail service, or local pickup
- • Printing documents on a dual-tray laser jet printer
- • Conducting the loan-signing process
- • Describing the function of documents in accordance with industry guidelines
- • Ensuring all documents are properly signed, initialed, and notarized
- • Returning documents as instructed
Prompt, Professional, and Competent
At Notary Public San Francisco, we completely understand the importance of preparing, presenting, notarizing, and returning real estate and loan documents quickly and with the highest level of professionalism.Certified Notary Loan Signing Agent
Our notaries public are commissioned by the California Secretary of State. It is our duty to protect the public against fraud. As certified notary signing agents, our notaries have passed an additional background check, carry E&O insurance of $100,000, and have completed and passed a comprehensive real estate loan training program.